Download Center for RAWHide:

System Requirements:

Download Agreement:

By downloading RAWHide you acknowledge that you agree to the following terms and conditions...

RAWHide is not shareware. It took great deal of effort and time to develop RAWHide and it is copyrighted. RAWHide may not be uploaded to any other site for downloading or distributed by any means without my express permission. Otherwise, RAWHide should only be downloaded by following the link on this page.

You (the downloader) understand that there are NO claims as to Rawhide's stability, compatibility with your system, your RAW image files, or Rawhide's output files being compatible with other software. (Although it should be!)

It would be appreciated if harsh criticisms of RAWHide be directed to me before such criticisms are posted on public forums. If you have criticisms you still wish to post/publish, I only ask that you please be kind when doing so. Please keep in mind, I'm very interested in working with you to make RAWHide a better program and one you really like.

By downloading, please consider yourself a "software tester" of RAWHide and as such, It is hoped that you will send me your feedback about RAWHide (good or bad). Feedback on Image quality, user interface, and workflow are most appreciated.

Download Here: RAWHide (v0.93.011) (2106KB)

Download Here: Latest Documentation (750KB)

© 2007-2016 Franklin A. Holub - All Rights Reserved

Last Updated: 12/12/2016 8:55 AM