Mars July 17, 2003 > Astronomy by Frank > Planets > Mars July 17, 2003

Mars 07-17-2003 9:11UT
Object: Mars

Time & Date: 5:11AM EDT (9:11 UT) July 17, 2003

Exposure: 512 x 1/100 sec (Gain: 50%)

Camera: Philips ToUcam 740K (Unmodified)

Equipement: 10" f/10 Meade OTA, 2x Celestron Ultima Barlow, and Losmandy G-11 GEM

Guiding: None

Software: K3CCD Tools, Registax, AVIS, and Picture Window Pro 3.1h

Info: Mars was about 1/4° from the moon for this image and 19.62" in diameter. K3CCD Tools was used for image capture and the creation of a darkframe. 512 frames out of 1200 were aligned, stacked, and processed in Registax then transfered to Picture Window Pro (via AVIS fits viewer) where the atmospheric chromatic aberrition was corrected (with the color registration feature) and color balance and levels were adjusted. A lesson learned was to keep the levels (brightness) on the low side so the RED channel isn't blown out during processing.

Available Background sized images (.jpg)

640 x 480

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1280 x 1024

Updated: 07/17/03 02:14:37 PM