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What's New! > Astronomy by Frank > What's New!

5-Jun-2010:The All New AstroPhoto Gallery:

I really haven't been dead the last 3 years. I've just been a bit slow in updateing my Astrophoto Gallery.  To make life easier I have created an All New Astrophoto Gallery!

M16 - 350D - LPF

M16 w/Light Pollution Filter:

This is the first light for my new Modified Canon XT (350D).


M16 - LPF

M16 w/Light Pollution Filter:

This was my first attempt to use a light pollution filter from my badly light polluted home site.



M27 - LPF

M27 w/Light Pollution Filter:

This was my first attempt to use a light pollution filter from my badly light polluted home site.



M57 - The Ring Nebula


The Ring Nebula. This makes my return to imaging after a 6+ month leave.


NGC 891

The Edge-On Galaxy in Andromeda:

NGC891. The fist image I have taken for a while from a "dark" site. Click on the image for more info...


Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3c:

This is the first New Astrophoto I have formally posted in nearly two years. Taken 8 May 2006 at 2:01 AM. Earlier in the evening SW3c passed almost over the top of M57. Comet SW3 broke into many fragments of which this was one


Lunar Eclipse - May 4, 2004

Lunar Eclipse over the Charles Bridge:

Taken with my Canon Digital Rebel. This image was taken shortly after the lights of the Charles Bridge were turned on. The effect was perfect. It also happened to be my wife's and my 13th wedding anniversary. Click here for the full story...


Lunar Eclipse - May 4, 2004

Lunar Eclipse over the Charles Bridge:

Taken with my Canon Digital Rebel. This image was taken shortly after the beginning of Totality. Click here for the full story...


M51 - With Digital Rebel


First light with my new Canon Digital Rebel. Click here for the full story...


Mars - August 15, 2003


I finally got a night of excellent seeing and was able to get an image of Mars that shows some good detail. This image was taken on the night of the great 2003 Eastern US Blackout. Mars was 22.97" in diameter. Click on the image for the full size version.


NGC 7635

SCT-User Astrophotography Contest 2nd Place Winner:

My NGC7635 image received 2nd place in the Best Prime Focus Deep Sky Astrophoto category of the SCT-User Astrophotography Contest! I wasn't expecting that!



SCT-User Astrophotography Contest Winner:

My Rho-Ophiuchus Region image received 1st place in the piggyback category of the SCT-User Astrophotography Contest!


New Image:

Mars on July 17, 2003 New image of Mars taken with my Philips Toucam 740K.


M76 - The Little Dumbell

New Image:

M8 and M20 Region New image taken with from New Mexico Skies, April 2003.


M76 - The Little Dumbell

New Image:

M76 New image of "The Little Dumbbell" taken with from my new permanent setup last winter..



New Image:

Rho-Ophiuchus Region New image of the most beautiful region of the sky taken from New Mexico Skies, April 2003.



New Image:

M16 New image of "The Pillars of Creation" taken from New Mexico Skies, April 2003.



New Images:

Jupiter and Saturn New images taken with my QuickCam 4000 Pro and 25cm SCT


NGC 7635


I thought I would take this time remind everyone that for those wishing to purchase a telescope, that the beginners guide, "Buying a Telescope" is available on this website...


NGC 7635

New Image:

Taken Sept 6,7,8,9 2002. This is a 17(!) image stack of the bubble nebula taken from my light polluted back yard.



New Image:

M52 Taken Sept 1, 2002. Ugly little cluster but at least the focus and tracking are good.


M20 - the Trifid Nebula

New Image:

M20 on RG400 Taken July 16, 2002. Finally got the shoot the Trifid Nebula.


M13 on E100VS

New Image:

M13 on E100VS Pushed 2 Stops Taken June 8, 2002. This image was a major experiment, Pushing E100VS beyond what it is intended to be and a astrophoto trial run for my optics upgrade (see Telescope Upgrade below).


June 10, 2002 Partial Solar Eclipse

New Image:

June 10, 2002 Partial Solar Eclipse


UHTC Optics in an Old OTA

Telescope Upgrade:

I was looking into getting a 10" RC but the cost was VERY prohibitive. So I decided to upgrade my 1990 vintage Meade SCT OTA for 1/12th the cost. I opt'ed to get the new UHTC optics and all is VERY good. Read the review here...


Bubble Nebula Region

New Image:

Bubble Nebula - M52 Region: Taken last fall, I thought I would pull this one out of the closet and display it here.


Stacking Astrophotos

New Web Page:

Stacking Astrophotos: I have been working with the stacking of astrophotos and have created this page to show the effect of this technique has. It is NOT a tutorial on how to stack astrophotos.


M42 under 4.0 skies!

New Image:

M42: More on my quest to get good results under my nasty mag 4.0 skies.



Site Update & Server Change:

ABF: I must be crazy, but I have decided to host the site my self. To that end I have redone a number of the pages so they use less bandwidth to load. My hope is that they will load faster in spite of a slower link. Time will Tell!



Reprocessed Image:

M27: This image of M27 is a reprocessed image. I have gotten better at processing out the light pollution in my area. Taken July 2001 under mag 4.5 skies.



New Image:

M42: This image of M42 benefits from a new Hutech Knife Edge Focuser. Taken December 9, 2001 under my nasty mag 4.0 skies.


Comet Linear C/2000 WM1

New Image:

Comet Linear C/2000 WM1: Used the ST-4 to track a Comet. 45 minute exposure. Taken November 21, 2001.


Aurora over West Bloomfield

New Image:

Aurora: A strange thing happened November 5, 2001. There was an Aurora over my house...


M1 - The Crab Nebula

New Image:

M1: The Crab Nebula taken September 16, 2001. Also captured are two asteriods, 22 Kalliope and 566 Stereoskopia.


Venus on the Water

New Image:

Venus on the Water: Venuslight reflecting off of the water. Taken July 14, 2001


NGC7635 - The Bubble Nebula

New Image:

NGC7635: A new image of NGC7635, the Bubble Nebula. The tracking is good, the focus is just BAD. Please be kind!



New Image:

M57: A new image of M57 taken during the full moon.



New Image:

Comet Linear C/2001 A2: Used the ST-4 to track a Comet. I could have used a 30 or 40 minute exposure but instead I did 10 min. Nice comet.



New Image:

Mars in Antares Region: Mars crept into the Antares region. It truly outshown its rival.



New Image:

M4: Got a short but nice image of M4. Hey! The stars are finally round!.



New Image:

Five Planets at Once: Here is a shot in which I managed to get five planets in one frame. Can you name them?


New Image:

M92: Still dialing in the G-11 and ST-4.


New Image:

M3: Getting the feel of the G-11 and ST-4.


New Image:

M51: Finally got a free night and a clear night on the same night! This is the first real results with the G-11 and ST-4. BTW, getting the G-11 and the ST-4 to work together was a breeze!

27-Mar-2001: New Page!

Finished the new Astrophotography for Beginners page.



Site Face Lift:

Astronomy by Frank just got a major facelift and upgrade. Please send me your comments and ideas.



New Mount:

I just got a major upgrade for my scope in the form of a Losmandy G-11 mount. This one came with a heavier GM-100 tripod and a JMI NGC-MAX computer. The other major upgrade comes in the form of a SBig ST-4 CCD Autoguider. I'll be bolting my 10" SCT OTA to this and hope to have some good images "real soon". Stay Posted!



New Image:

December 25, 2000 Partial Solar Eclipse